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GreenSurance Buying Co-op
Holisitc Medicine Healthplans
GreenSurance Obamacare Alternative
alternative-medicine healthplan
Obamacare Alternative Healthcare
GreenSurance Health Insurance Alt
Alternative Medicine Healthcare
For Healthy Living Healthcare
Healthy Children Healthcare
GreenSurance Where Choice Matters
Natural Medicine Healthcare is Here!
Alternative Medicine Healthplan
Alternative Health Insurance Freedom
Health Insurance Alternative
Alternative Medicine vs Obamacare
GreenSurance is Health Plan Savings
Natural Medicine Healthcare Delivers
Holistic Healthcare Health Plan
Natural Medicine Healthcare
Alternative Medicine Healthcare
Natural Medicine Healthcare
Obamacare Alternative Health Plan

                The Health Insurance Alternative


  Unlimited Natural Medicine* 

Obamacare Penalty Protection Included!

Because Solutions Are Powerful Medicine

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Unlimted natural medicine health plans are here! GreenSurance

Co-op Health Program Difference


Are you searching the internet for an option to health insurance? Do you want protected from Obamacare penalties? Are you looking for a health plan that includes natural medicine for primary care? 


If yes, then we have great news because GreenSurance has what you need. Our health plans replace health insurance and provide benefits insurance doesn't without the cost! Through our nonprofit co-op alliance, member-owned health plans are the change people want who believe choice in treatments must be an option. Click Here to learn more.

A New Era for Providers


Innovative solutions that resolve many challenges providers face with and without insurance is what the GreenSurance Co-op alliance provides. It starts with timely reimbursements for conventional and natural medicine as our co-op alliance shatters the insurance way of doing business. Bringing 'change for the better health plans' begins with conventional medicine reimbursements 20% - 70% above Obamacare or Medicaid!


But there's more because the co-op reimbursements include alternative medicine for the first time. GreenSurance innovative solutions serve providers and their patients ready for a new era in healthcare plans.  Click Here for Details.

Alternative Healthcare providers are included in health plans from GreenSurance
GreenSurance the health plan alternative to health insurance

The Co-op Making Change Real


GreenSurance is a fiscally sponsored nonprofit whose community creates buying power for green healthcare plans.


A co-op alliance who together does what insurance won't by providing alternative medicine primary care is a dream come true decades past due that will save lives through better health plan solutions. This is the GreenSurance mission. For details Click Here


Natural Medicine Healthplans

Are Now Here!


GreenSurance is an open enrollment community that serves people in 50 states with unlimited* natural medicine healthcare plans. Ensuring health-focused people for the first time have a health insurance-free solution provides better healthcare because it puts you in the driver's seat of YOUR treatment choice.


As a community we create buying power to fuel demand for green healthcare plans, GreenSurance is the answer like-minded people who want options to conventional care have long been denied by the health insurance industry. For details Click Here.       

GreenSurance is a nationwide health plan buying co-op for all medicine;  natural to conventional
GreenSurance is a co-op bringing fresh solutions and people love the freedom they find wth health plans that provide all medicine; alternative to conventional

What People Say

 About GreenSurance?


Want to know what other people have to say about GreenSurance?


Rave reviews and feedback from excited people make clear now's the time for fresh solutions in healthcare plans. Bringing freedom and choice together for people long ignored by the insurance industry, GreenSurance is the crowdfunding member community investing in the change we each want to see. For Reviews Click Here 

So Many Questions

So Many Answers


From alternative treatments to conventional medicine, the GreenSurance Co-op alliance fills needs members have who want choice and freedom in treatment included in their health plan.


Insurance-free health plan that are member not corporate owned is new, and that creates questions when insurance is all people know. For answers to your questions please see Frequently Asked Questions by Clicking Here

GreenSurance Natural Medicine Healthcare Co-op
Alternative medicine cures cancer - GreenSurance includes alternative treatments

About Us - GreenSurance Story


The GreenSurance story began decades ago when a young mother at age 25, was diagnosed terminal with liver cancer in 1988. Given no medical hope of survival and determined to fight, this young woman chose alternative treatments that led to denied insurance coverage. Investing thousands out of pocket for a second chance at life resulted in a life-changing education.


Taking the lessons learned today this cancer-survivor is a luminary determined to a 'pay it forward'. This is the GreenSurance story. Click Here to learn more.

GreenSurance Mission Saving Lives


We invite you to do due diligence to understand why relying on the system who profits from illness is NOT in your best interest. 


Please watch the documentary

"Cancer the Forbidden Cures" to get the facts and make an informed decision.

Corporate Sponsorship


Significant social impact results when corporate sponsors fund nonprofit causes. Sending the 'we care' message resonates with consumers and drives new sales.


Millions of consumers today spend over $100 billion dollars out of pocket for CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine because no option is offered by health insurance. The GreenSurance Co-op alliance resolves this issue with innovative solutions to serve millions not served by health insurance, making this the not-to-be-missed sponsor opportunity. 

For details Click Here.

GreenSurance Corporate Sponsorship
GreenSurance alternative health insurance plan

Interested in Being a

GreenSurance Investor?


A unique opportunity awaits savvy investors who see the future is natural medicine healthcare plans. With consumer spending on natural medicine at $100+ billion dollars annually out of pocket, an increase over 300% in the last decade, means the health insurance industry is leaving millions on the table. That's why now's the time for GreenSurance.


Providing solutions for people not served by the health insurance industry, GreenSurance is the investment opportunity for today's eco-conscience investor who profits by doing the right thing for the right reason. Click Here for details

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*Unlimted alternative medicine is up to health plan limit - for details click 

 Co-op 1 Details & Co-op 2 Details 



GreenSurance Health Plan Buying Co-op     PO Box 3044    Kahului, HI   96733      

24 hr. Google Voice 707.742.3554

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