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Provider Frequently Asked Questions

Provider Frequently Asked Questions


What's the change happening since Obamacare for the better? 

Obamacare legislation exemptions issued to select organizations by the IRS to co-op cost-sharing organizations who meet strict strict criteria for exemption certification. This opens the way to non insurance organizations who use cost sharing to provide higher reimbursements to licensed professionals who treat co-op members.


How does this change resolve the issues of the self-pay patient?

  • According to the US Census Bureau, an estimated 37 million American's are uninsured. Providers who treat the uninsured face patient collections and A/R risk, costs and losses. Cost sharing is an affordable option to health insurance and takes the risk off the self-pay patient by sharing as a commuinity the costs of health. The self-pay approach is obsolte when the co-op acts as 3rd party payer.


How will this shift address the issues of insurance for providers?

  • By addressing slow insurance delays including drastic reductions in reimbursements, our alliance partners work with providers to bring prompt provider reimbursements 30-45 days and at a rate above Medicare or Obamacare. 


  • Approved natural medicine reimbursements shatter the insurance barrier by bringing providers a first ever reimbursement opportunity not available in insurance.


How do providers benefit?

  • Providers can focus on patient care - not collections

  • Providers don't need to chase co-op alliance patient account receivables

  • Providers are free of the hassle and delay's of insurance for co-op alliance patient reimbursement

  • Providers won't turn away patients in the co-op alliance because of self-pay risk or insurance hassle

  • Providers are reimbursed 30-45 days from invoice submission 



  • GreenSurance delivers providers with low processing rates for all swipe card transactions - 1.6% 


In Development

  • GreenSurance provides free advertising to co-op members through our member website in develoment

  • Only GreenSurance Network Providers have access our exclusive payment solution for 24-48 hr reimbursements! 


Click Here to Enroll


What is GreenSurance?

  • A nonprofit buying co-op whose alliance co-ops use cost-sharing to change everything you thought you knew about health plans. 


How do I become a network provider?


How much will I be paid?

  • For natural treatments providers are reimbursed as long as the treatment falls within this criteria;


  • Treatment is less invasive than conventional  

  • Diagnosis is provided by a licensed practitioner

  • Treatment cost is less

  • Natural medicine prevents future more costly conventional treatments

  • Diagnosed treatment is co-op pre-approved 

  • Member agrees to an alterted treatment plan if there's a more cost-effective solution


Conventional providers receive reimbursement that exceeds many health insurance plans over Medicare or Obamacare. 


Co-op 1 Reimbursement

20% over Medicare


Co-op 2 Reimbursement

  • Reimbursement is 120-150% of Medicare for physician

  • Reimbursement is 120-160% of Medicare for inpatient related services

  • Reimbursement is 120-170% of Medicare for outpatient related services


Click Here to Enroll


How does filing of claims work?

  • Each member chooses a co-op when enrolling in GreenSurance

  • Member must meet out of pocket and submit receipts for cost-sharing qualification

  • Once achieved member submits receipts

  • Co-op verifies takes 30 to process

  • Once approved member schedules a visit for treatment/diagnosis

  • Provider submits to co-op direct for reimbursement on member ID card 3rd party payer information

  • Electronic submission for reimbursement.

  • For a diagnosis a treatment plan is submitted to co-op

  • Once approved ongoing treatment is billed and reimbursement 30-45 days from receipt


  • GreenSurance proprietary payment system in development will expedite the reimbursement to network providers only in 24-48 hrs like credit/debit card transactions.


Click Here to Enroll


Am I allowed to charge the patient the difference?

  • No


Do I have to carry malpractice?

  • Not a requirement of the Co-ops.


Do I need to be licensed?

  • You must be state licensed or work under a state licensed provider as payments are issued only to licesed providers. 


How long does payment take to receive?

  • At preset reimbursement is 30-45 days from invoice receipt. We have a proprietary system that will expedite payment to network providers for scheduled payment transactions in 24-48 hrs..


How does GreenSurance help providers?

Providers who recommend patients to GreenSurance Buying Co-op resolve self-pay patient issues 

Providers who recommend patients to GreenSurance who enroll, end insurance A/R insurance headaches 

Providers lesson labor costs associated with insurance billing 

Providers end the moral dilemma of self-pay patients who lack money when a crisis happens 

Providers increase business without advertising costs when listed as co-op provider on our website (in 2016)

Providers are reimbursed faster than insurance 30-45 days

Providers are reimbursed higher than insurance on comparables

Providers can choose lease or purchase credit card processing equipment

Providers have access to simplified solutions to self-pay and insurance

Providers can reduce credit card processing rates and costs Click Here 

Provider profitability increases with streamlined solutions

Providers can earn revenue as an affiliate Click Here


What Does It Cost to Be a GreenSurance Provider?

  • Network Provider enrollment is a free

  • Enrollment as a GreenSurance merchant processer is free

  • Listing on the GreenSurance member site is free


Network Providers Receive


  • Merchant processing low monthly fee and a swipe rate of 1.6% 

  • Access to membership benefits

  • Providers who also become members can access the alliance to opt out of health insurance  Click Here for Details

  • GreenSurance Affiliate and earn commissions Click here 

  • Providers have access to our (in development) proprietary payment system for faster reimbursements!


Click Here to Enroll

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