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Step By Step What to Expect


#1. Enrollment

  1. Enroll as a GreenSurance Co-op member $249.99 annually = $20.00 per month

  2. Then you choose Co-op 1 or Co-op 2 - Click here to compare

  3. You will complete a health questionnaire - pay admin fee ($160.00 Co-op 2 -$175.00 Co-op 1) 

  4. Approval process takes 5-7 business days - please be patient you will be notified by email

  5. Approved applicants receive exact monthly cost, date effective, ACH payment set up, etc.

  6. Plan is active once monthly amount is paid

  7. ACA penalty protection is in effect with current monthly paid 

  8. If declined, co-op refunds the application fee and you can apply to next co-op

  9. Approved members receive a member card for provider direct billing in 2-3 weeks via mail


#2.  Cost Sharing

  1. Out-of-pocket (co-op 1) / unshared amount (co-op 2) - must be satisfied before cost-sharing begins

  2. When reached, submit receipts to co-op for verification (may take 30 days)

  3. Once verified you are given approval to cost-share

  4. See any state licensed primary care provider - For suggestions on what to say see FAQ #3

  5. Provider direct bills co-op for initial visit

  6. If ongoing treatments are needed, provider submits treatment plan for co-op pre-approval

  7. Co-op approves, modifies or declines treatment plan

  8. Approved treatment plan provider direct bills co-op after service is provided

  9. Co-op reimbursement is 30-45 days 


Co-op 1 Only

  1. Once enrolled you can also enroll in the GreenSurance HSA (Health Savings Plan)

  2. You will receive a HSA debit card 

  3. HSA tracks healthcare spending 

  4. Account spending can be submitted to Co-op 1 for out of pocket spending

  5. After verification process of out-of-pocket is reached, cost-sharing benefits begin 

  6. HSA Bank provides IRS documents for tax deduction 


Co-op 2 Only 

  1. Once enrolled, unshared amount begins 

  2. Unshared amount is healthcare direct cost; practitioners, labs, etc.

  3. Once reached, submit receipts for verification (takes up to 30 days) 

  4. Once verified you will receive approval and cost-sharing begins


Cost-Sharing Need to Know-


  • When your out-of-pocket is met and plan monthly is current, cost-sharing begins. 

  • Provider accepts co-op as 3rd party payer  (Sample of what to say in FAQ)

  • Co-op settles account as paid in full with provider

  • If provider refuses to cooperate your options are;

             change providers 

             pay provider and submit for reimbursement+

  • +If member pays direct the amount reimbursed may be less than amount paid.


For Emergency Healthcare Needs


  • Medical emergencies need no prior approval

  • Emergency admission must be 48 hr. co-op reported 

  • Hospital admission present your member card for co-op billing direct 

  • Out-of-pocket must be reached before cost-sharing c0-op reimbursement 

  • Amount out-of-pocket is met first

  • Co-op cost-shares balance after for plan year

  • Provider agrees to settle account as 'paid in full' when co-op cost-shares





Enroll in GreenSurance for Alternative Medicine Cost-Sharing
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