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Cost 1 - Co-op Enrollment  

GreenSurance annual member donation of $20.00 a month paid annually $249.99 is 100% tax deductible and funds the work of this nonprofit in 2016. Donations are nonrefundable and do not guarantee plan acceptance.


Members choose a co-op who has a one-time admin fee of $165.00 refundable if declined.


GreenSurance members can switch co-ops if declined or for any reason want to switch during the course of annual membership.


Co-op memberships includes children unmarried up to 26 full-time students.

Cost 2. Monthly Amount 

The health plan is funded through a monthly amount. Non-members see an estimate range before a medical questionnaire is completed. Actual costs are based on health, history, habits and weight and are provided after a medical review.  


Co-op 1 Monthly



Single $163 - $219

Couple $271 -$390

Family* $401 - $551



AGE 45 TO 54

Single $265 - $355

Couple $438 - $529

Family* $599 - $751


AGE 65 +     Not Yet Available


Monthly costs can increase due to pre-existing conditions or current medications being taken.



Co-op 2 Monthly

Monthly costs include 2 co-ops' whose program is one enrollment cost.  


Age 30-64:

Single - $249.99 up to $329.99 


Couple  - $349.99 up to $509.99  


Family -  w/children up to age 20**    $529.99 up to $709.99  (no cap on # of children)


Single Parent - w/1 Child to age 20**   $299.99 up to $459.99 per month 


Single Parent - 2 or more children to age 20**   $449.99 up to $629.99 per month 


Young Adult up to Age 29        

Single $209.99-$319.99 

Couple $309.99-$499.99 

Family $449.99-$659.99


Child Only Membership Monthly     

1 child up to age 20** $199.99 - $309.99 per month 

2 children up to age 20** $299.99 - $489.99 per month 

3 or more children up to age 20** $449.99 - $659.99 per month  



** Children up to age 20 unmarried are included in the family plan. Full-time students up to age 26 and unmarried qualify for the family plan.


medical health plan for alternative treatments

AGE 35 TO 44

Single $209 - $243

Couple $351 -$488

Family* $499 - $651

AGE 55 TO 64

Single $365 - $453

Couple $533 - $577

Family* $699 - $851

Cost 3. - Annual Out of Pocket / Unshared Amount -

What insurance calls a deductible cost sharing calls 'out of pocket' (co-op 1) or 'unshared amount' (co-op 2). This is what you pay first out of pocket before cost sharing begins. 


Co-op 1 Out of Pocket  

$5,000 /  COUPLE/FAMILY  - $10,000 

Use with an HSA

Co-op 2 Out of Pocket/Unshared Amount

$500.00 single

$1,000.00 married

$1,500.00 family                                 


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