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The Mission of


Natural Medicine Healthcare

 Change - Choice - Empowerment - Solutions - Life Saving Options

Mission Statement


GreenSurance is the first and only buying club exclusively for health conscience people who want natural medicine when it makes the most sense. A people-first co-op fusing freedom to choose with the financial answers that make going it alone obsolete, the GreenSurance pledge is to save lives by taking "It's not covered by my health insurance" out of our healthcare conversations. Bringing right to choice because solutions are powerful medicine to people long ignored by the insurance industry, is the power of the people in a community co-op.


Pledge to Our Community


1. No One Goes It Alone Financially - GreenSurance the buying co-op ensures no member in our community in good standing with a cost-sharing co-op faces health costs alone.


2. Health Plan Innovation - An innovative buying co-op option to health insurance, GreenSurance supports life-saving, evidence based modalities instead of toxic treatments like health insurance.


3. Money Savings - Saving co-op members money while resolving the burden of health insurance, is GreenSurance.


4. Real Choice - GreenSurance is the third option -  health insurance or no insurance, GreenSurance is here to ensure members have the 'gold standard of health care" through our cost-sharing co-op alliances. 


5. Best of All - As the 'best of all treatments' GreenSurance buying co-op removes the limits of health insurance by bringing choice to people denied options for decades making the GreenSurance Buying Co-op the last health plan community you'll ever need.


6. Obamacare Penalty Protection - A health plan co-op is truly serving the needs of members when it also includes the protection from ACA penalty. This is what the alliance provides our members.


7. Holistic Medicine for Primary Care - Ensuring people who choose natural treatments have no limit of the kind of modalities they want means the insurance glass ceiling on natural medicine is gone. 



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