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Network Provider


Benefit 1  -  Grow Your Business

As a GreenSurance Network Provider, in 2016 the buying co-op members will site-search for a provider. Once enrolled in our 2-step enrollment you can grow your business without paying for advertising as a listed provider.


Benefit 2 -  Lowest Credit Card Rates

Supporting provider profitability is how we help drive down your cost of doing business by bringing you the low rate of credit card processing of just 1.6%!


Benefit 3  -  Community Access - Providers can join the 

co-op and access the alliance health plan benefits and find all the benefits of enrolling as a co-op member.

Network Provider Benefits


Benefit 4  -  All Providers Accepted*

Any provider who has a business can enroll and only licensed providers can be co-op direct reimbursed.


Benefit 6  -  Global Acceptance

Providers globally are invited to become a network provider.


Benefit 7   -  Payments Without Hassle

As a Network Provider, hassle-free reimbursements from the alliance co-op ensures prompt payment in 30-45 day is provided.


Benefit 8  -  Tax Year 100% Deductible Donations

As a provider your costs for doing business is a tax-year write-off business expense.


Benefit 9 - Reimbursement Above Medicaid!  For conventional treatment reimbursement is higher than Obamacare and Medicaid from 20%-70% over the schedule.


Benefit 10 - Natural Medicine Reimbursement

For natural medicine co-op alliance reimbursement is a first!


Benefit 11 - Proprietary Payment System 

For the first time in the history of modern medicine GreenSurance has the an exclusive proprietary payment system that is only available when released to enrolled GreenSurance providers. Providers must complete the 2-step provider enrollment process to receive reimbursements in 24-48 hrs!


This is not a typo it's a real program exclusive to GreenSurance. In order to release this program we must raise $20,000,000.00 to launch. If you want to donate to this project please reach out direct to help us fund this project.


For More Provider Info Click Here

To Enroll as a GreenSurance Network Provider Click Here


*Unlicensed practitioners need to work through a licensed practioner



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