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Alternative Healthcare

Provider Information


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Provider Health Program Innovation

           If You're Ready for Change

       GreenSurance Has You Covered 


As a healthcare provider your focus is optimum patient health care, but decades of hassle by health insurance companies but needless burdens on providers as it takes the focus away from patient care.


GreenSurance is the provider solution here to provide fresh solutions. In development is a revolutionary 3rd party payer solution exclusive to GreenSurance providers that will change the way provider reimbursements are done in the U.S. without insurance.


The Health Program Solution 


Resolving what the health insurance industry never has, GreenSurance is a buying co-op bringing innovative solutions to providers and patients alike. Inclusion of integrative, alternative and conventional care, the GreenSurance Buying Co-op brings solutions to increase provider profitability through a streamlined process without insurance hassle. 


An Organic Solution


If you're a provider ready for a better way, we invite you to enroll in our FREE GreenSurance Network Provider program and benefit from a new health program that dissolves the conventional-alternative medicine chasm. 

GreenSurance the symbiotic health plan

for providers & patients. As a buying co-op GreenSurance is revolutionizing

health care. 

Bringing innovative solutions built on a proven financial solution in use since 1988 called 'cost-sharing' this industry has paid over one billion dollars in conventional costs. With reimbursements over Medicare and Obamacare, providers love what the alliance brings in timely reimbursement without hassle of health insurance. 


Providers and patients alike are served by co-op's who shatter the wall insurance built that dissallows natural treatments, and delays reimbursement for conventional at deep discounts.


GreenSurance Buying Co-op focus is natural medicine when it makes the most sense, and conventional medicine when it's most needed.


As the buying co-op for a better than health insurance healthplans, provider reimbursements for all holistic medicine are approved under the following guidelines;


a. Natural treatment are recommended for a diagnosed condition by a state licensed provider;


b. Natural treatments must be less invasive than conventional for the diagnosed condition.


c. Natural treatment must cost less than a conventional equal


d. Natural treatment must prevent more costly conventional treatments 


e. Natural treatments must be co-op pre-approved


f. Member must agree to an adjusted procedure if a lower cost option is available

GreenSurance for 

a New Era in Hassle-Free Healthcare Reimbursements

GreenSurance Delivers Providers


  • Simplified Solutions

  • Increase Profitability

  • Self-Pay Solution

  • On-time Reimbursements  

  • Co-op Payments Without Hassle 

  • Reimbursements Without Insurance 

  • Reimbursement Without Insurance Dept.

  • No Collection Cost or Hassles

  • Electronic or Fax Submission

 A fresh approach to health and wellness, GreenSurance is the symbiotic people-first health program ushering in a new era for health care professionals in a first-ever provider network serving all medicine:


  1. Alternative Medicine Providers

  2. Integrative Medicine Providers

  3. Holistic Medicine Providers

  4. Complimentary Medicine Providers

  5. Conventional Medicine Providers

  6. Functional Medicine Providers



  • Conventional Providers Are You Tired of Insurance Hassles?

  • Are You Ready for On-Time Reimbursement?

  • Natural Providers Are You Tired of Being Denied by Insurance?

  • Integrative Providers Are You Ready for a Health Plan for All Treatments?

  • If Yes Then GreenSurance Has Great News!

       GreenSurance Guarantees


  • Free Network Provider Enrollment

  • Free Merchant Account Enrollment

  • 30-45 Day Reimbursement

  • Higher than Medicare Reimbursement

  • Higher than Obamacare Reimbursement

  • Obamacare Penalty Protection

  • Freedom From Insurance Hassle

  • All Medicine Reimbursement  

  • Free Listing On Co-op Member Site

  • Increase Business Without Advertising Costs

  • 2015 Compliant Card Processing Equipment

  • Guaranteed Low Card Processing - 1.6%

It Starts With Innovative Solutions


Independent of conventional health insurance and exempt from ACA penalties, GreenSurance is a buying platform built on two cost-sharing co-ops. To date collectively tens of millions in conventional costs to thousands of providers have been issued.


Now through the GreenSurance co-op alliance, we bring providers an insurance-free proven model for all medicine reimbursements for all medicine. Now we are building a provider network and we invite you to enroll in and be part of the innovation for change.

 State Licensed Providers* 

Natural Treatments Include: 

1. Naturopathic Medicine

2. Acupuncture

3. Chiropractic

4. Kinesiology

5. Massage Therapy

6. Homeopathy

7. Colonics

8. Holistic Coaching / Counseling

9. Emotional Clearing

10. Detoxification

11. Alternative / Holistic Clinics

12. Herbal Regimes

13. Energy Therapies

14. Chinese Medicine

15. Energy Healing

16. Reflexology

17. Chelation Therapy

18. Oxygen Therapy

19. IV Therapies

20. Bio Feedback



21. Rife Treatments

22. Intravenous Vitamin C  

23. Curaderm cream


25. ONCOblot Blood Test

26. Hemp Oil

26. GcMAF

27. Essential Oils

28. Intravenous Sodium Bicarbonate

29. Stem Cells

30. Herbs & Supplements

31. Neurotransmitter Testing

32. Micronutrient Testing

33. Food Allergies

34. Hormone Testing

35. Inflammation Testing

36. Essiac 

37. Lab/blood work

38. Thermography​

39. Virus Therapy

40. Medical Tourism 

Click Here for Complete List

Plus more if you have the science to back it up!


Approved Conventional Providers & Services Include: 


  • Ambulance  & Med Flight - The urgent care you when and where you need it

  • Diagnostics, X-ray's and Laboratory Services – Inpatient/Outpatient/Independent lab

  • Emergency Room Hospital And Physician Services – (Routine treatment excluded)

  • Home Health Care – Limit 30 days per Incident

  • Hospital  – Inpatient limited to the average semi-private room rate.

  • Maternity Care – Delivery including physician charges, office visits, hospital charges and birthing centers cesarean section and/or complications treated as new incident with new per incident limits

  • Physician Office Services – Per incident visit. All other physician office services included per incident. (Charges billed by a physician if performed in the physician’s office: injection, surgery, lab, x-ray, special diagnostic interpretation.)

  • Prescription Drugs – Per incident (charges must occur within 45 the days before or after any related medical incident)

  • Surgery – Surgeon, Assistant Surgeon and Anesthesiologist Services. Inpatient/Outpatient services. Outpatient surgery facility

  • Therapy – Limit 20 visits per Calendar Year: (Combined with Speech, Respiratory, Physical, Occupational Therapy)

  • Other Expenses – (Unless limited by the guidelines)


               To Enroll as a Provider Click Here  


For More Provider Benefits Click Here

For Provider FAQ Click Here



*Unlicensed practitioners need to work through a licensed practitioner

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