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The Co-op For Insured

Alternative Healthcare

GreenSurance is the co-op for holistic medicine
alternative medicine health insurance is GreenSurance

The Co-op For Alternative

Medicine Healthcare


 The Buying Co-op For Better Healthplans

GreenSurance answers the need for alternative healthcare through a coalition of nonprofits dedicated to the people we serve. GreenSurance brings solutions that resolve what conventional health insurance never has. 

Look at the Facts Then Decide


Fukashima, BP oil spill, GMO's, chem trails, fluoridation, immunizations, mercury amalgams, BPA's....the list continues as do the catastrophic results; 


  • 39% of women or  1-in-3 diagnosed with cancer


  • 43% of men or 1-in-2 diagnosed with cancer


  • 1 in 3 survive long term with conventional cancer treatments 


  • World Health Organization predicts a 70% increase in cancer by 2035


  • U.S. healthcare is #37 in the world when compared to other countries 


  • CDC reports more than 200 synthetic chemicals in all Americans including infants


  • Top 20 chemicals discharged in the environment; 75% are known or suspected to be toxic to the developing human brain


         More Facts Include:

Get Real Healthcare 

With Natural Medicine Healthcare Enroll Today!


Why an Alternative

 Health Plan Is Important


Each day the world becomes more polluted, our bodies are being inundated with toxins like never before. A look at the last 100 years and we see an unmistakable disease-to-pollution increase.


That defines why no matter how committed to clean living and eating we may be.......


There's Simply No Guaranteed Protection In Prevention! 


Life has no guarantees and not even prevention can protect us. Instead of taking the risk of going it alone, GreenSurance is buying co-op bringing health plans that use cost sharing to bring treatments outside conventional medicine.


A new health plan era is here for people who want more than conventional medicine.
















Resolving what people who choose natural medicine need and have been denied

by health insurance, GreenSurance is a buying co-op for people who live clean and who want free from Obamacare penalties and health insurance control. 

For Health Plan Details

Click Here

Natural Medicine Healthcare

 The Better Health Plan


Bringing like-minded people together for healthcare protection is how we bridge the chasm left by conventional insurance. Instead of paying health insurance premiums and dictated treatment options, we support choice through health plan freedom.

Why Is An Alternative Health

Plan Critical?


Watch the documentary "Cancer the Forbidden Cures" to understand why a health plan that provides natural healthcare is urgent! 



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