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Co-op Story

The Journey From Humble Beginnings

It's a story repeated millions of times; a young person diagnosed terminal with cancer. A life soon to be cut short but for one young woman diagnosed terminal with liver cancer, a domino of events no one could have predicted was soon to happen. 










What started with a routine physical ended with diagnosis that shattered a young wife and mother's life. Soon to be the next cancer fatality, Kari Gray was diagnosed with no survival liver cancer.


But this time it seems cancer meet its match as a mother's great love and determination pushed her to face not just cancer head, but now the entire conventional medical/health insurance racket. 


It began when Kari in bed depressed, devastated, and dying found through the power of prayer that 'awe ha" moment as prayers answered helped her to see light amidst the despair when she realized; "What if there is something Dr.'s just don't know? Is it possible?"


With that change in thinking Kari emotionally went from overwhelm to possibility, and that began to shift her life. Set out to find options led her to natural medicine in a 'gloves off' fight for life. Kari seeking hope, met ridicule by well-meaning family, friends, and medical doctors. This set the stage for the journey that lay ahead.


Determined to ensure her children have a legacy of a mothers love, Kari chose to exhaust all options as the gift to her children ensuring they knew their mother's devotion to do everything possible to be there for them. 


The Unchartered Path 


What began with a first visit to a naturopath took skepticism and converted it to conviction when the practitioner, without knowledge of the medical tests that preceded the exam, diagnosed terminal liver cancer also.


But this diagnosis was different because unlike the doom the medical Dr.'s predicted, the naturopath was the first voice of hope.


A protocol that would be aggressive, expensive and only possible through self-pay despite Kari being insured would self-fund a regime that included:





Practitioner Visits


Organic Foods


Emotional Clearing

Family Diet Changes

Stress Reduction

Increased Business Expenses 


Testing the waters after thousands were spent, Kari submitted receipts to her then health insurance company whose prompt reply denial letter stated, "Reimbursements are denied for receipts for unproven and out of coverage treatments."


However, just months later insurance denied treatments gave Kari a miraculous second chance at life. An unlikely survival defined by CDC statistics that say liver cancer survival short term in 17%, chemo and radiation long-term survival for all cancer is just 3% defined the efficiacy of alternative medicine.


In spite of the financial costs, the money invested proved to be the best money spent when remission opened a new chapter in life twenty-eight years ago. 


With a new lease on life, Kari set out to buy alternative medicine health insurance but what seemed like the obvious answer turned into a two-decade in-vain search that ended in 2013 when she began a career in insurance.

A woman of strong faith who at just twenty-five faced a devastating diagnosis prayed for strength, wisdom and courage to face formidable odds, is a unique and inspirational story for people who need to hope.

With a promising insurance career underway, Kari found the key she had searched for since remission. 


Set out to change the industry, in July 2013 Kari submitted a patent for holistic health insurance called Green-Surance. Determined to create the message for natural medicine health insurance, Kari launched website to attract people ready for coverage to a message that would with the response convince insurance decision makers to underwrite the policy.


Green-Surance public response defined the time was right for holistic health insurance for a  'needs based industry', policies are written to meet unmet needs proved her gut instinct right.


Soon discovering people who found the website excitement about holistic health insurance, came with stories of how insurance companies did them wrong over and over again. 


Knowing her own experience and the industry profits by not paying claims it builds into premiums, this dirty secret fills the pockets of executives, adjusters and stock holders alike as people suffer harm.


Projected claims no paid means profit sharing for adjusters and executive who have a vested interest in denying claims. People know no better as companies profit by the billions when uncontested are shared by executives and stock holders. 


With the shock of Obamacare in Oct. 2013, the news filled the airwaves of people who faced;


Canceled policies

Huge rate increases

Penalties for non-compliance

And no real natural medicine provision


It was then Kari realized Green-Surance was more than an insurance supplement, it was a mission to serve people as its message was a grassroots solution for choice and change.


Re-organized in 2015 as a fiscally sponsored nonprofit whose focus is make GreenSurance serve people, Kari began an in depth search into Obamacare and found penalty exemptions to select organizations who meet strict federal criteria. 


Reaching out to such organization for an alliance, the GreenSurance nonprofit coalition launched in June 2015.


Today, the alliance brings people across the U.S. a self-funded co-op health plan that ensures cost-savings including access to all natural and conventional medicine.


Creating the 'gold standard' of healthcare by including natural medicine, GreenSurance is the vision of a cancer conquer who two decades ago wanted to 'pay it forward' by helping people not be abandoned when choosing natural medicine. 


A unique story of triumph in the face of formidable odds, this is how cancer saved one woman's life, and now the stage is set to save the lives of millions more. 




GreenSurance is a fiscally sponsored project of PAPA, People Aligned in Positive Action, (a division of MAMA, Maui Arts & Music Association) TID 99-0287771 


Mailing Address:



PO Box 3044

Kahului, HI 96733

Google Voice ​707.742.3554 24 hr. message

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