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Welcome to Health Plan Innovation

  • Are You Looking for an Alternative to the High Cost of Health Insurance?

  • Do You Want Protected from 'Obamacare' ACA Penalties?

  • Are You Looking for Natural Treatments Included in Your Health Plan?


  • Do You Love Holistic Medicine but Tired of Self-Paying All the Costs?

  • Is Natural Medicine Your 'Go-To' Choice for Primary Care?

  • Are You Tired of Health Insurance Denying Alternative Treatments?

  • Do You Want a Health Plan That Includes Holistic and Conventional Medicine? 

  • If Yes, then GreenSurance the Buying Co-op Has Great News!


Welcome to GreenSurance, the grassroots nonprofit co-op serving people who want 'better than health insurance' healthcare plans. Our mission is simple;        


Serving People By Bringing Life-Saving Options to Health Plans That Save Lives 

Taking "It's not covered by my health insurance"

out of your healthcare conversations is the GreenSurance Mission.

GreenSurance mission is saving lives with better healthcare plans for medicine from holistic to conventional


       Refreshingly Different,

GreenSurance Co-op Alliance Health Plans Include All Medicine; Conventional to Holistic


GreenSurance is a buying co-op led by forward thinking people who are passionate about our mission. Our focus is solutions that solve problems like the insurance glass ceiling on natural medicine.


                                                    GreenSurance is the grassroots co-op for change.


Serving health-conscience people who for decades have been ignored by the health insurance industry, GreenSurance supports freedom to choose by bringing financial solutions that work like health insurance, but work even better.


A co-op serving people in all 50 U.S. states who say "Enough of health insurance denials and limits on alternative medicine!" Without being health insurance, the GreenSurance co-op brings an alliance member-owned co-op health plans who serve people neglected by the health insurance industry.


Together we have the power to make change happen by shifting our healthcare dollars, and GreenSurance is the way. What are health plan co-ops? Best illustrated in the difference between a bank and a credit union; both provide similar services, but their structure is different.



 Bank - For Profit - Corporate Owned 

 Credit Union - Nonprofit - Member Owned 

Health Insurance - Corporate Owned

Co-op Health Plan - Member Owned


Corporate Profit vs. For People Profit

 This Is The Health Insurance - Co-op Health Plan Difference 



GreenSurance provides solutions to people who want:  



  • Natural Medicine Primary Care

  • Unlimited Alternative Medicine Access**

  • Wholesale Priced Health Plans

  • ACA 'Obamacare' Penalty Protection

  • Savings over Health Insurance

  • Access Conventional Medicine When Needed

  • Choice In Treatment

  • Financial Solutions That Solve Problems





What Is GreenSurance?


Simply put, GreenSurance is a nonprofit co-op serving members with life-saving co-op owned health plan solutions that include all-medicine; holistic to conventional. GreenSurance brings together people who live clean and want free of the conventional 'healthcare' system including the penalties. A community whose voice is heard, GreenSurance is the advocate for people abandoned by the health insurance industry. GreenSurance is;










Doing More For Less


How can co-op owned health plans do more than insurance for less cost? Through a little-known financial solution called 'cost-sharing.


  • Cost-sharing is a proven method whose 30-year success record does what insurance does for less. 

  • Cost-sharing is healthcare plans wholesale priced vs. the retail cost of health insurance.

  • Cost-sharing co-ops are private owned which means members must health qualify.

  • Cost-sharing brings low-risk people together who aren't paying the price for high risk people that drive up the cost of healthcare for everyone.



Uniting people for change, our power is coming together, and is at the cash register. No one alone makes change happen. Together, shifting how we spend our dollars is powerful; it's the formula for change. In fact, so successful is this two-fold approach, we who live clean have shifted the buying decisions of the world's largest retailers who want our dollars by answering consumer demand. 


Albert Einstein observed; "Insanity is doing the same things over and over again...expecting different results". Like millions who are ready for different results, member owned health co-ops are the way to better health through better healthcare plans.































 GreenSurance Alliance Co-op Cost-Sharing Benefits Include;



  • Ends high cost health insurance

  • Caps the ever-rising cost of healthcare plans

  • Limits out of pocket costs

  • Ensures options when health challenges happen

  • Provides unlimited** natural medicine access 

  • Lifts financial burden of self-pay for natural medicine

  • Guarantees Obamacare penalty protection 

  • Freedom to choose natural to conventional treatments

  • 100% tax-deductible healthcare plan^

  • Access for people in all 50 States^ 

  • Year-round co-op enrollment 

  • Guaranteed no co-pay health plans

  • Protection from medical collections

  • Protection from credit score loss from medical collections

  • Bankruptcy protection from medical collections debt

  • Asset protection from medical debt collections

  • Federal income tax savings strategies^ 

  • 100% HSA use for holistic spending^

  • 100% HSA tax deductions for natural medicine spending^ 

1. Organized to provide health promoting health plans instead of 'sickcare'

2. Designed for people who are not served by health insurance

3. Created for people who are pro-active in wellness and live a wellness lifestyle

4. Want freedom from prescription 'Big Pharma' based medicine/health insurance 

5. Serves right to choice in healthcare decisions- holistic to conventional

6. Ensures access to unlimited* holistic medicine primary care 

7. Protection from 'Obamacare' - ACA penalties when insurance isn't the choice

8. Solutions for people who see the value of buying power when people unite

9. Saving lives through better health plans when health challenges happen

10. Serving people who when choosing alternative medicine, won't want to go it alone financially 

Health plan for better healthcare is GreenSurance
GreenSurance Co-op membership for health insurance alternative


       Refreshingly Different,

GreenSurance Co-op Alliance Health Plans Include All Medicine; Conventional to Holistic


GreenSurance is a buying co-op led by forward thinking people who are passionate about our mission. Our focus is solutions that solve problems like the insurance glass ceiling on natural medicine.


                                                    GreenSurance is the grassroots co-op for change.


Serving health-conscience people who for decades have been ignored by the health insurance industry, GreenSurance supports freedom to choose by bringing financial solutions that work like health insurance, but work even better.


A co-op serving people in all 50 U.S. states who say "Enough of health insurance denials and limits on alternative medicine!" Without being health insurance, the GreenSurance co-op brings an alliance member-owned co-op health plans who serve people neglected by the health insurance industry.


Together we have the power to make change happen by shifting our healthcare dollars, and GreenSurance is the way. What are health plan co-ops? Best illustrated in the difference between a bank and a credit union; both provide similar services, but their structure is different.







 Bank - For Profit - Corporate Owned 

 Credit Union - Nonprofit - Member Owned 

Health Insurance - Corporate Owned

Co-op Health Plan - Member Owned


Corporate Profit vs. For People Profit

 This Is The Health Insurance - Co-op Health Plan Difference 


























GreenSurance provides solutions to people who want:  



  • Natural Medicine Primary Care

  • Unlimited Alternative Medicine Access**

  • Wholesale Priced Health Plans

  • ACA 'Obamacare' Penalty Protection

  • Savings over Health Insurance

  • Access Conventional Medicine When Needed

  • Choice In Treatment

  • Financial Solutions That Solve Problems


GreenSurance is the Obamacare alternative

About Us


GreenSurance founder and CEO is a terminal liver cancer survivor who when diagnosed, found herself dying and left without medical options. Choosing alternative medicine, she then found herself denied health insurance for alternative treatments.


Carrying the financial burden alone taught a tenacious woman why change is desperately needed.


In time, a second chance at life was found thanks to the efficacy of natural medicine. Today, this passionate advocate leads the mission to serve people long ignored by health insurance companies by 'paying it forward',


The GreenSurance Buying Co-op is the result and today is the 'missing link' to better health through better healthcare plans.



GreenSurance Co-op Benefits Include:


Community - Like a member club i.e. Costco or Sam's Club, people who are members create buying power no one alone can. This community approach brings solutions found nowhere else available to members of the community.   


Solutions - Bringing even more solutions to people long exploited by the health insurance industry is the GreenSurance Co-op solutions commitment.


Benefits - In 2016 member benefits continue as member donations of time, talent, connections and money ensure we continue the work of saving lives through better health plans.


Saving Lives - Statistics reveal each year 7 of 10 deaths are caused by preventable diseases. This points to lifestyle, human error, and highly profitable "Big Pharma" with conventional toxic medicine. People abandoned in a health crisis by insurance to self-pay who choose holistic adds to the loss of life when the money runs out, as the disease rages on. 


GreenSurance is commited to bringing members life-saving treatments in our innovative mission. 

GreenSurance is natural medicine healthplans
Stop the health insurance insanity with GreenSurance
natural medicine healthcare is GreenSurance

You Choose Your Treatment & You Choose Your Provider 

No Provider Network   

Natural   *  Integrative   *   Complementary   *   Functional   *   Holistic   *    Alternative   *   Conventional


For details Click Here

Understanding Cost Sharing -

The Health Insurance Alternative


Instead of health insurance cost-sharing does what health insurance does by paying out healthcare costs for members without being health insurance. This time-tested solution delivers the following benefits

Change ahead if GreenSurance for 100% holistice medicine healthcare
  • Cost-sharing has been used by 500,000 people for over 30 years

  • An industry who paid out $1.3+ billion for conventional medicine 

  • Cost-sharing is independent of insurance rules and regulations

  • Serves people not corporate profits

  • Integrated now with natural medicine  

  • Ensures choice of treatment and provider - Not limited to a network

  • Is 3rd-party payer for healthcare costs to provider 

  • Free from prescription dependent conventional medicine 

  • Eliminates increasing costs of insurance 

  • Serves people who have no health plan

  • For people who choose alternative medicine healthcare

  • Limits out-of-pocket natural treatment spending

  • No Obamacare penalties, premiums & co-pay

  • No co-pay collections - accounts are settled by co-op in full 

  • No medical collections on your credit

  • And more! (See Co-op 1 & 2 Benefits in the Health Program Menu)

Additional Co-op 1 Exclusive Benefits 

  • Protection of adults and minors in treatment choice^

  • Protection from forced vaccinations^

  • Protection of parental rights^

  • Protection of all minors in health crisis from State seizure^ 

  • 100% tax deductible^ 

  • Integrates with an HSA (Health Savings Account)^

GreenSurance opens the door to Natural Medicine Healthcare

Because the Profits in the Treatment Not In the Cure, 

Conventional Medicine Profits From Treating Disease, Not from Curing It

& Conventional Health Insurance Pays Only for Conventional Treatments!


The GreenSurance Alliance Resolves This Problem With Member-Owned Health Plans That Open the Door to Alternative Medicine Primary Care! 

Health plan for all medicine holistic to conventional

        Limited Choices - Limited Results


When it comes to conventional health insurance the simple fact is Limited Choices = Limited Results.


Millions today choose natural treatments because alternative medicine delivers (in most cases) better results for less money. Yet natural treatments remain denied (or very limited) by health insurance and to rational people it makes no sense, or does it?


The answer is simple; insurance companies profit by the billions from conventional medicine whose agenda is; profit from treatment not from cure. 


Until now self-pay alternative medicine has been the only option. In a health crisis self-pay is expensive and risky. That's why prevention is key but the reality is, prevention is not guaranteed protection.


And while most everyone is healthy until something happens, a health crisis is something no one plans. And a health crisis is not the time to find your money ran out as the disease rages on.


That's why a health plan including natural medicine is the answer. Better than health insurance, the GreenSurance alliance ensures you're not alone financially when health challenges happen.

If you're ready for fresh solutions then GreenSurance is how health plan change begins.


Bringing people together who see value in community buying power, begins when you join us by enrolling here. 


For health plan costs Click Here.


Health Sharing - The Better Way!


According to U.S. Bankruptcy Court statistics medical debt is the number one cause of bankruptcy. Over 60% of bankruptcies are caused by medical debt even of the insured.


People who did everything right; college educated, good job, home owner and insured. When a health crisis happens people find out too late health insurance isn't the protection they thought it was. 


Co-op cost sharing tells a different story. Bringing like-minded people together to do what no one alone can, cost-sharing is how we take ownership of our health plan and receive benefits that include:


  • Freedom from mortgage sized health premiums to an insurance company


  • Freedom from financial concerns over money for natural treatments


  • Freedom from Obamacare penalties 


  • Freedom from limited alternative treatments



Join us and see the difference a community makes. 

Fresh Solutions Resolve

Decades of

Insurance Neglect

Solve the health insurance problem of limited alternative medicine with GreenSurance

*See Health Plan Details

^ See Co-op 1 Benefits

** See Co-op 2 Benefits

+*^Co-op 1 is 5 Million Limit

**^Co-op 2 is 1 million per incident limit. For natural medicine this is unlimited 

Health insurance alternative is GreenSurance
unlimted* natural medicine health plans are here with GreenSurance
GreenSurance is the Obamacare alternative
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