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Charitable giving to GreenSurance saves lives

Love Our Mission &

Want To Help

Us More?


Charitable Giving Goes A Long Way









GreenSurance GIVING


In a world where the bottom line is profit not people, GreenSurance is refreshingly different. A self-sustaining symbiotic co-op community where all donations provide a critical component to ensure we continue the work for better healthcare and health plan solutions; 

Donation Needs Include:


  • People

  • Time 

  • Talent  

  • Cash   

  • Assets 

  • Resources 

  • Connections  

  • Philanthropy 


People  -  A people movement is only complete with passionate supporters and proponents who are the supporters of and backbone of what we are all about. If you want to provide support, please let us know by clicking the Contact Us page here.


Time  -  People with limited resources who love what we're doing can volunteer time. Please use the Contact Us  form and let's talk about your ideas to help.


Talent  -  Have talent you want to donate? Wonderful! Please use the Contact Us page and let’s discuss your ideas. 


Cash  -  Want to make a larger donation and need to talk about it before you do? Donations are tax deductible so please use the Contact Us form to talk about it!


Assets  -  Have assets you want to donate? Wonderful! We have many needs. Donations are tax deductible so please Contact Us and let’s talk!


Resources  -  Have other resources to offer? Fantastic! Please use the Contact Us page and let’s discuss what your offer includes. 


Connections  -   Have connections to important people? Are you a person of influence? Please use the Contact Us page and let’s talk. 


Philanthropy  -  Helping members with a hand up not a hand out is what our philanthropic donors are assured of. With a GreenSurance Co-op donation we use donated funds wisely to help deserving people most.


Instead of donating to a charity who supports the 'wealth-care' system, whose agenda is evident by the way pioneers in science and medicine for decades have been treated, (See the video Cancer the Forbidden Cures


GreenSurance is a community of passionate people who have 'enough!' of the system including the nonprofits who exploiting donors who want to see disease end and donate to make a difference.

Decades of 'funding research' that never produces results makes the picture clear.


With GreenSurance donors can be certain that money donated goes to a good cause because we are committed to serving those in our community by 'paying it forward'. 


In what ways can your donation help those most in need?


  • Help deserving people with program costs who health qualifies to enroll in the health plans.   

  • Help a low-income family with a subsidy to get on the plan who health qualifies. 

  • Help fund the infrastructure needed to make an alternative health plan system.


GreenSurance is here to serve people with a hand up not a hand out. Philanthropic donations help our community as we serve people in a way no co-op, nonprofit, or health insurance has. This is the future of nonprofit philanthropy as we do the right thing, for the right reason.



GreenSurance the nonprofit saving lives and serving people with better than health insurance health plan options
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