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Co-op 1 Overview 


Co-op 1 is a Native American owned nonprofit health plan whose federal rights granted by Obamacare provides exemption, and whose benefits by federal law extend beyond the boundaries of the reservation to include non-native people. Plan benefits include;


Co-op 1 Exclusive Benefits


1.  Tribal Benefits 

2.  100% Tax Year Deduction 

3.  HSA Qualified

4.  HSA tax Benefits Include 

5.  100% HSA Deduction 

6.  100% HSA Holistic 

7.  100%  HSA Toward Out of pocket

8.  HSA Debit Card 

9.  Tribal Sovereignty is Unchanging


Benefits Explained 


1.  Tribal Benefits Legally Extend - Federal law & court decisions have determined that tribes may extend benefits to tribes beyond the boundaries of the reservation and include non-native people.


2.  100% Tax Year Deduction - To incentivize support for tribally owned business and stimulate Native economic development, all money paid to the tribe health plan is 100% tax deductible.  


3.  HSA Qualified - Co-op 1 is a large deductible health plan (LDHP) that qualifies for a HSA (Health Savings Account).


4.  HSA tax Benefits Include - Deposits from income are not taxed up to the limit of $3,350.00 single / $6,750.00 family, making your dollars go farther.


5.  100% HSA Deduction - As allowed by law, all HSA deposits up to the limit ($3,350.00 single / $6,750.00 family) are 100% gross income deductible. No matter if you spend the money or not you have a 100% tax-year write off up to the limit when enrolled in Co-op 1 for a year.


6.  100% HSA Holistic- Another significant benefit happens with an HSA - 100% of money can be spent on holistic when Dr. ordered.


7.  100%  HSA Toward Out of pocket - With out-of-pocket $5,000.00 single / $10,000.00 family Co-op 1, all your HSA goes toward your out of pocket. 


8.  HSA Debit Card - With HSA tracking you can download account summary and submit to Co-op 1 to simplify proof your out-of-pocket is met in order for cost sharing benefits to begin. 


9.  Tribal Sovereignty is Unchanging - Native American's are a nation in a nation and as such are exempt from ACA penalties. Recognized by the U.N. means regardless of political revisions to Obamacare, tribal sovereignty unchanging.

Co-op 2 Overview 


Co-op 2 is actually two nonprofits who bring different benefits to make the health program more comprehensive. Outlined below are exclusive Co-op 2 benefits. 


Co-op 2 Exclusive Benefits 


1.  Low Out of Pocket (unshared amount)

2.  Same Cost Monthly from age 30-65

3.  Decades of cost-sharing track record

4.  Large community to align with

5.  Streamlined operations

6. Tax deductible enrollment fee


Benefits Explained 


1.  Low Out of Pocket - For a single person the out-of-pocket (the 'unshared amount' ) is $500.00 single, $1,000.00 married, and $1,500.00 family.


2. Same Costs No Matter Your Age - This benefit means cost don't raise as you mature. For costs see HERE. 


3. Decades of Cost Sharing - In operation since the late 80's focusing on life insurance then in the early 90's with a health program, this co-op has decades of operation and millions paid in benefits. 


4.  Large community to align with - A co-op who is self-insured of some 60,000 members means this co-op has a solid foundation. 


5.  Streamlined operations - Decades of operating as a cost-sharing co-op means a well-oiled cost-sharing machine. 


6. Tax deductible enrollment fee - As a nonprofit the money you pay in as an enrollment fee is 100% tax deductible.




Co-op 1 & 2 



GreenSurance the Obamacare Alternative




Both Co-op's Offer


1. Member Choice - Ensuring natural medicine treatments, private health programs offer freedom unavailable in insurance. 


2.  ACA Penalty Exemption - Federally recognized Native tribes and cost sharing ministries who meet the Obamacare qualification have exemption from ACA penalties and send year end certification for your taxes to ensure you are protected.


3. 100% Natural Medicine - For people who want natural medicine you have access to unlimited natural medicine (plan limit $5,000,000.00 Co-op 1 and $1,000,000.00 per incident Co-op 2)


4.  Natural medicine when it makes sense -  Co-op health plans ensure you're not self-funding holistic medicine alone when it is the best option. 


5.  No Co-pay - Once out-of-pocket is met unlike health insurance 70/30 or 80/20 policies means you have protection against the number one cause of bankruptcy is CO-PAY.


To illustrate: a $100,000.00 hospital bill translates to a $20,000.00-30,000.00 patient responsibility with co-pay. This is why medical debt for the insured is the number one cause of bankruptcy in the U.S.! 


With the co-op as payer, a $100,000.00 hospital bill is negotiated and paid in full with no medical collections to co-op members! 


6.  All Medicine Included - From alternative to conventional, you are ensured "It's not covered by my health insurance" is no longer part of your health plan conversations when enrolled. Plan limit is $5,000,000.00 Co-op 1, and $1,000,000.00 per incident Co-op 2.



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