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       The NOT to be Missed Opportunity

The Not To Be 




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Welcome to GreenSurance

Corporate Sponsorship


Today it's no secret that financial success comes from corporate sponsorship. Great returns go to corporations who sponsor nonprofits in a message that says 'We're the brand who cares'. A powerful message with far-reaching effects strengthens customer loyalty. This is the 'halo effect' of good corporate citizenship. As a trend defined by billions in consumer spending, brands who emotionally connect with consumers effect buying decisions, and that is why corporate sponsorship works (see examples here)

   Tap Into Today's Hot-Topic


Today's hot topic is the green movement defined by a shift in consumer spending for organic, health and alternative medicine. Mllions face the ever-rising costs of health insurance, and millions more face financial liability of penalty for noncompliance of Obamacare. Thus great public outcry opposing the moretorium is a heated polictal issue.


The reality is no matter which side of the issue a consumer is on, one fact is clear; health insurance doesn't include natural medicine and self-funding natural medicine is a burden and risk. Today, millions of consumers opt for natural medicine spending 300% more than just seven years ago.


In spite of federal attempts to stem the tide, 158 million people are ignored by the insurance industry who refuse to include natural medicine as part of a complete health insurance plan.


People ignored vote with their dollars at the cash register when they purchase organic products and natural medicine. Saying 'NO' to prescription dependency, natural medicine spending is at an all-time high. Estimated between $100-$115 billion, the green revolution is changing the landscape of consumer spending. 


A fact recognized by the worlds largest retailers; Wal-Mart & Costco whose new profits come from meeting public demand for green, clean, health-centered goods.


Serving public demand for solutions, GreenSurance introduces the corporate sponsorship way to increase brand loyalty and profitablity through our buying co-op that brings the 'Obamacare Alternative'.


Lowering consumer cost of healthcare and integrating natural medicine, makes GreenSurance sponsorship the opportunity to brand connect with consumers in a way never before possible. How so?


First by helping people lower the cost of healthcare which in turn increases available resources for consumer spending, corporate sponsors are the good guys in resolving a big issue bringing a powerful solution to people. 


Second is the 'win-win' sponsor opportunity identified by the Cone Corporate Citizenship study who defines the power of profit-nonprofit collaboration on social issues by findings such as;


  • 85% of Americans have a more positive image of a product or company when it supports a cause they care about.


  • Nearly 90% of Americans say it's important for businesses, government and non-profits to collaborate and solve pressing social issues.


  • 79% of Americans say they switch from one brand to another brand if the other brand is associated with a good cause.


Additional Facts Reveal;


  • reports cause-related marketing is greatest among those most likely to make key purchasing decisions: women (84%), parents of young children (81%) and individuals (81%).


  • According to CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) spending is expected to reach $100 Billion in out of pocket spending 2014. A 300% increase from $33 billion spent in 2007.


  • WHO estimates 158 million U.S. adults use self-funded complementary medicine

  • According to Fox News nearly 37 million Americans are uninsured despite ACA penalties

  • US News reports more than 90% of Americans support green living

  • Fox News reports 58% of voters want Obamacare repealed

  • reports 147 polls conducted on Obamacare found unanimous opposition to the health plan


GreenSurance the Not-To-Be-Missed Sponsorship Opportunity 


Demographically women according to the U.S. Census Bureau, control 85% of U.S. spending. As primary care givers according to, women make 91% of the buying decision in health. This translates to $91 billion of the $100 billion spent on CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) in 2014.


GreenSurance is a woman founded charity that connects with a strong emotional appeal women respond to. Through a cost-saving health-centered solution, men also respond who want to protect their families and their finances. GreenSurance dual gender appeal makes this the not-to-be-missed opportunity for corporate sponsors.


Harnessing the Consumer Spending Shift


Resolving the needs millions of health-centered people have who have never been served until now through the GreenSurance Buying Co-op, corporate sponsorship answers the unmet need for millions who search Google looking for a better way.


A Demographic Not to be Missed 


A spending tsunami is happening in alternative medicine as nearly half of all American's choose natural healthcare because it works. This fact defines why sponsorship is the way your brand rides the wave to new profits as the standout sponsor. Connecting with consumers through the GreenSurance co-op, social good resides where today's sponor investment benefits your bottom line tomorrow.


  • Strengthen Brand Loyalty

  • Drive New Sales

  • Achieve the Halo Effect of Good Corporate Citizenship

  • Identify with a Growing Demographic of Consumers

  • Achieve New Profits

  • Increase Public Image

  • Enhance Brand Reputation

  • Increase Profitability

  • Improve Consumer Spending



              GreenSurance the Corporate Sponsor Opportunity Without Equal


To discuss your brands corporate sponsorship options please contact us by Clicking Here.

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