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Fluoride Causes More Human Cancer Deaths Than Any Chemical

"Fluoride causes more human cancer deaths and causes it faster than any other chemical".--Dean Burk -- Congressional Record 21 July 1976

A multitude of studies has shown that aluminum, especially if combined with fluoride, is a powerful brain toxin that accumulates in the brain. "We would not purposely add arsenic to the water supply. And we would not purposely add lead. But we do add fluoride. The fact is that fluoride is more toxic than lead and just slightly less toxic than arsenic." ----Dr. John Yiamouyianni

"It's a toxic waste product of many industries; glass, phosphate fertilizer and others. Having no way to dispose of tons of fluoride waste produced a story created that fluoride is good for dental health ensured it's passed through everyone's bodies into the sewer." A novel approach to toxic waste disposal--feed it to people and let their bodies "detoxify" it].

"It is a well-coordinated effort, to keep it from being declared for what it is--a toxic waste."—Dr. Lee

Fluoridation appears to cause or induce about 20-30 excess cancer deaths for every 100,000 persons exposed per year after about 15-20 years."--Dean Burke

Dr. John Yiamouyianni states from 30,000-50,000 deaths/year are directly traceable to fluoridation; 10,000-20,000 of these deaths are from fluoride-induced cancers. Fluoride makes your body absorb extra aluminum. And where does the aluminum go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? You guessed it.

"We would not purposely add arsenic to the neither water supply nor lead. But we add fluoride, and it's more toxic than lead and slightly less toxic than arsenic." ----Dr. John Yiamouyianni

Unknowingly ingesting contaminants such as fluoride means if we fail to plan then we plan to fail which is why we need a health plan that protects us with green healthcare. Filling the need for natural medicine healthcare is how we take charge of our healthcare, and “put our money where our choice is”.

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