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The Great GMO Cover-Up and Why We Need Natural Medicine Healthcare

The GMO cover-up is a public fraud on an epic scale. A scandal whose impact is so vast, its consequences are unknown. For years U.S. consumers have been 'human guinea pigs' and it has only recently entered the radar of health conscious people. Genetically engineered crop geneticist David Suzuki explains: “By slipping it into our food without our knowledge, without any indication that there are genetically modified organisms in our food, we are now unwittingly part of a massive experiment.” [i]

Since the first commercial sale 20 years ago, GMO's have been banned in 55 countries around the world. If GMOs were safe, wouldn't they be accepted in all countries? For example, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dorkovich told an international biotechnology conference in Kirov September 18, “As far as genetically-modified organisms are concerned, we have made the decision not to use any GMO in food productions.” [ii]

Because no testing has ever been done on the effect of exposure on large populations over a long period of time, no one can say with absolute certainty that they are completely harmless. On the contrary, a plethora of research (independent, peer-reviewed studies) defines GMO's as cytotoxins hazardous to human health. Recent studies prove GMOs are linked to tumors, organ failure, gastric lesions, liver damage, kidney damage, severe allergic reactions and more.

It’s important to note that biotech corporations have been caught concealing the truth. According to the journal Biomedical Research International, Roundup herbicide is 125 more toxic than regulators originally claimed. The agrochemical industry only reports the health effects of a single ‘active ingredient’ even though the actual chemical formulation is much more toxic than we are lead to believe. [iii]

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